Mission Vatsalya Scheme

Mission Vatsalya Scheme

News Analysis   /   Mission Vatsalya Scheme

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Published on: July 18, 2023

Source: PIB

Why in News?

The Ministry of Women and Child Development launched Mission Vatsalya to guarantee the security and safety of children in India.

At the village level, the Child Welfare and Protection Committee (CW&PC) will identify children who are likely to be in challenging circumstances, such as orphans or street children. These youngsters will be helped through the Mission Vatsalya Scheme's sponsorship component.

Sponsorship facilities will be provided based on the recommendation of the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) and approval from the Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee (SFCAC).

What is Mission Vatsalya?

Historical Perspective:

Pre-2009: Ministry of Women and Child Development implemented three schemes:

Juvenile justice program for children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with the law.

Integrated program for street children.

Scheme for assistance to children's homes.

2010: These schemes merged into the Integrated Child Protection Scheme.

2017: Renamed as the Child Protection Services Scheme.

2021-22: Reintroduced as Mission Vatsalya.


Umbrella scheme for child protection services in India.

Aims to secure a healthy and happy childhood for every child in the country.

Components of Mission Vatsalya include:

  1. Improving the functioning of statutory bodies.
  2. Strengthening service delivery structures.
  3. Upscaling institutional care and services.
  4. Encouraging non-institutional community-based care.
  5. Providing emergency outreach services.
  6. Training and capacity building.


  1. Ensure opportunities for children to reach their full potential and flourish in all aspects.
  2. Foster a sensitive, supportive, and synchronized ecosystem for child development.
  3. Assist states and union territories in implementing the Juvenile Justice Act, of 2015.
  4. Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Modes of Non-Institutional Care for Children:


Government-Aided Sponsorship: Financial assistance provided through government funds.

Private Aided Sponsorship: Financial assistance provided through private sources or individuals.

Foster Care:

The responsibility of caring and rehabilitating the child is undertaken by an unrelated family.

Financial support is provided to the foster parents for nurturing the child.


Finding suitable families for children who are legally free for adoption.

The Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) facilitates the adoption process.


Financial support is provided to children leaving a Child Care Institution upon turning 18 years old.

This support helps them reintegrate into society and become self-dependent.

Assistance may be extended from 18 years up to 21 years, with the possibility of extension up to 23 years.

Note: Every district will have an SFCAC to implement and monitor the Sponsorship and Foster Care programme as provided under the Mission.

What are Child Welfare Committees?

  • Child Welfare Committees (CWCs) are constituted by state governments for each district or group of districts to protect and care for children in need.
  • Each CWC consists of a Chairperson and four members, including at least one woman and one expert on matters concerning children.
  • The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, mandates the establishment of at least one CWC in every district.
  • CWCs perform functions and roles as defined in the Juvenile Justice Act/Rules, subject to amendments.
  • CWC functions as a Bench of Magistrates and has the authority to dispose of cases related to the care, protection, treatment, development, and rehabilitation of children.
  • Mission Vatsalya provides infrastructure and financial support to states/UTs for setting up and ensuring the effective functioning of CWCs.
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