News Analysis / Seamounts
Published on: April 29, 2023
Source: The Hindu
Context :
A 2011 census had already mapped 24,000 seamounts across the world’s oceans.
But now, in an astonishing discovery, scientists have reported finding 19,325 new seamounts after poring through new high-resolution data.
Sea Mounts
They are formed through volcanic activity and scientists recognise them as hotspots for marine life.
Like volcanoes on land, seamounts can be active, extinct or dormant volcanoes.
Area of Formation
Role and Importance of Seamounts
Information on evolution of Tectonic Plates:
Because seamounts are formed when molten rock comes up from below the tectonic plates, they provide information about the mantle’s composition and about how tectonic plates evolve.
Water Circulation:
Oceanographers also study seamounts to understand their influence on how water circulates and absorbs heat and carbon dioxide.
Home to diverse biological communities:
Seamounts are home to diverse biological communities. They are good places for life because they can cause localised ocean upwelling – the process by which nutrient-rich water from deep within the ocean moves up to the surface.
Insights on Evolution of Earth:
Forged and altered by volcanic and tectonic processes that are intimately linked to the deep earth. They give us insights into the forces that have shaped the face of our planet.
Mineral Harvesting:
They are also being targeted by mining companies that hope to harvest the minerals that often collect around seamounts as a result of hydrothermal activity.
Hotspot of marine life:
Seamounts also attract an abundance of marine life and are productive fishing grounds more than 80 commercial species worldwide.
Mapping of Seamounts:
Isolated as well as in groups:
Seamounts are often found in groupings or submerged archipelagos, a classic example being the Emperor Seamounts, an extension of the Hawaiian Islands.
Isolated seamounts and those without clear volcanic origins are less common; examples include Bollons Seamount, Eratosthenes Seamount, Axial Seamount and Gorringe Ridge.
Biological Richness
The biological richness of seamount habitats results from the shape of these undersea mountains.
Due to the steep slopes of seamounts, nutrients are carried upwards from the depths of the oceans toward the sunlit surface, providing food for creatures ranging from corals to fish to crustaceans.
Seamounts encompass about 8 million square kilometers of the Earth's surface.
That's larger than deserts, tundra, or any other single land-based global habitat on the planet.
New Research in place:
Such knowledge is critical to policymakers, so that they can make effective decisions about managing and protecting this diverse and valuable resource throughout our deep ocean.