News Analysis / Germany returnes 20 Benin Bronzes to Nigeria
Published on: December 26, 2022
Germany has returned 20 Benin Bronzes that were looted in the 19th century to Nigeria.
The return of these precious artifacts took place after Germany in July 2022 signed an agreement with Nigeria, pledging to transfer the ownership of around 1,100 Benin Bronzes.
What is Benin Bronze?
Which other looted Artifacts have Countries Demanded to be Returned?
Koh-i-Noor diamond:
Rosetta Stone:
The other well-known example is the Rosetta Stone. Currently displayed at the British Museum, it is an ancient Egyptian stone that features the inscriptions that formed the basis of Egyptology itself.
The stone was discovered by the army of Napoleon Bonaparte near the town of Rashid (Rosetta) in 1799 during the emperor’s campaign to conquer Egypt. It was passed on to the British after they defeated the French in 1801.